Here are the 6 bad habits that will cause you to make mistakes in fully grasping the situation:
#1 – A KNOW IT ALL ATTITUDE – You are sure you know the answer to any given problem.
#2 – BLIND SPOTS – You missed something that was right in front of you.
#3 – LACK OF INFORMATION – You missed some information you needed.
#4 – A GET IT DONE ATTITUDE – You are too focused on solving the issue quickly rather than effectively.
#5 – BEEN THERE, DONE THIS – You have been in this situation or a similar situation before, so you are overly confident in your abilities to solve it.
#6 – OLD SOLUTIONS WORK – You keep reusing old solutions to problems.
Are you guilty of any of these attitudes in your organization or personal life? Tweet us @Grasp_Situation your bad habit when solving issues using the hashtag #mybadhabit.
The Real Person!